Why Cool Down after a Workout
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Foam rollers are a necessity. While they are an incredibly useful tool to cool down with, they can also be used for a pre-workout stretch.
For those of you who have never had the opportunity to use this useful piece of equipment, this article will walk through how it can be utilized.
Foam rollers are a perfect tool for muscle pain and soreness. They can relieve back pain, tightness around the legs, shoulder issues, and much more. Along with some physical therapy properties, foam rollers can be used during your yoga routine for extra help stretching out your muscles.
Here are specific areas the foam roller can help:
Find somewhere to sit and place the foam roller in front of you. Place your feet on top of the roller and begin to roll your feet back and forth, stretching out your feet and allowing the roller to massage in the arch.
Stretching your thighs with the foam roller can be added to your yoga routine. Move into the Upward Facing Dog position and place the roller under your thighs. Keep your hands and toes on the ground so you propel yourself back and forth, massaging the front of your thighs.
If you are looking to stretch out the back of your thighs and calves, move into a reverse plank position and place the roller on the back of your calves and thighs. Make sure to keep your heels off the ground and begin rolling forward and backward on the roller. In the same position you can roll it all the way up to your glutes and butt.
Moving upward, slip the foam roller in the small of your back. With your arms crossed across your chest, roll it up and down the back body.
A foam roller can also be used for the side body and arms. On your side, place the roller underneath your armpit with your arms extended either in front of you or up overhead. Begin stretching with the roller away from your armpits. Hold that position for a few seconds and roll back to where you started. Then switch to the other arm.
For the most effective stretch, make sure to use our Victor Fitness roller for your routine. Our roller uses a high power motor to produce three levels of vibrations to thoroughly work on your muscles. Highly recommended to use before and after any workout you plan to complete.
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